Happy Valentines My Lovely Family
Here, Preston is sticking a knife in his mouth. I hope this behavior doesn't extend into those "immortal" teenage years. He has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. Tricks that I'm sure he'll teach Hayden unfortuantly ;) On a side note, Happy Valentines Day! Casey and I may be celebrating by going to the deluctable Ruby River. We'll see ;) But can I just say onion rings, raspberry lemonade, and ohhh melt in your mouth steak! . . . Although I must add that nothing melts quite like I do in my Honey's arms. He spoils me rotton. I'm a lucky girl . . . but I should probably not push my luck and take that knife away for good. (No children were harmed in the shooting of this photo)
1 comment:
SOOOOOO Cute!!! Your family is so cute and it is good that you honey spoils you rotten! Sounds like you are doing good. I am so happy for you and your beautiful family!
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